Estonian Dance Agency / Eesti Tantsuagentuur (ETA) is a non-profit foundation acting as a center for dance.
The purpose and aim of ETA is to ensure and promote the quality and sustainability of dance art in Estonia. In order to achieve its aims ETA offers contemporary and professional dance education (ETA Dance School), and also opportunities to create and perform for dance artists, dance teachers and children/ youth interested in dance.
A major part of ETA’s activities is focused outside of the capital city to provide the possibility to enjoy the art of dance elsewhere in Estonia as well. This is achieved through the activities of TantsuMENÜÜ, which tours with different dance performances around Estonia and through the activities of Festival Koolitants – a dance festival which provides the children/youth the possibility to perform all over Estonia.
The activities of ETA encompass all the main branches of the art of dance: creative activities, performance activities, education and master-classes, cooperation and information exchanges with all professionals in the Estonian dance field (TantsuRUUM), and ensuring sustainability through the activities of ETA Dance School, TantsuMENÜÜ (DanceMENU) and the Festival Koolitants (School Dance Festival).
ETA cooperates with many foundations, associations, unions and organizations operating in the field of dance both in Estonia and abroad. ETA was established in 1998.

Reg. 9000 6822