4. ja 11. aprillil kell 10-11:30 TantsuRUUMi
Kahel aprilli neljapäeval viib hommikust treeningut
l i i k u m i s S E S O O N
läbi Brüsselis baseeruv tantsukunstnik Leif Firnhaber!
Leif veedab aprilli esimese poole TantsuRUUMi residentide Madli Pavese, Joanna Kalmu, Christin Tauli ja Rūta Pakalnega liikumisuurimuslikus residentuuris, mille eesmärgiks on dialoogis olemasoleva liikumise väljaarendamine ning sõnastamine loomeprotsessi eel.
Siinkohal kutsume kaasa Leifi liikumispraktikaga tutvuma kahe sessiooni käigus!
d i ve
d a n c e
j o y
) Bastard Techniques (
Sümbioos tehnikast ja improvisatsioonist, ülesannetest ning vabadel assotsiatsioonidel põhineval loomingulisusel. Kuidas leida, millega soovid töötada? kuidas sellele esitada endapoolne väljakutse? Tundides luuakse ja vaadeldakse liikumist samaaegselt, alustades enda isiklikest suundumustest, liikudes väljapoole dialoogi partneri ja kollektiiviga, naastes endasse. Olles toetatud ja juhitud intuitsioonist ja erinevatest füüsilistest, tehnilistest, etenduslikest ja teraapilisest praktikatest.
Leif on sündinud Paraguays, ent kasvanud ülesse elades Tšiilis, Saksamaal ja Hispaanias. Alates 2008. aastast baseerub ta Brüsselis olles seal tegev etendaja, tantsija, õpetaja, koreograafi ja fotograafina. Tema liikumise alguspunktiks oli breiktants, mis on nüüdseks ühildunud erinevate kaasaegsete liikumispraktikatega.
Ta on töötanud koos mitmete nimekate artistidega ja kompaniide koosseisus nagu Eastman [Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui] “Puzzle” ja “Babel”, Damien Jalet [“Médusés” Louvre Muuseum, Pariis], David Zambrano, Michelle Anne de Mey [Charleroi-Danses], Vlaamse Opera House [Antwerp & Ghent], Cie. Jozef Trefeli “UP” [Šveits], Cie HelKa „LORE“ [Belgia], Cie. La Flux – Juha Marsalo & Caroline Savi [Pariis], Carmelo Fernández “International Film Festival GC” [Hispaania], Natalia Medina “Tag” & “Masdanza” [Hispaania].
l i i k u m i s S E S O O Ni h i n d > 5 eur kord
A s u k o h t > Eesti Tantsuagentuur, Hobujaama 12 II korrus
R e g i s t r e e r i m i n e > http://tantsuagentuur.ee/event/liikumissesoon-4-13/
K ü s i m u s e d > tantsuruum@tantsuagentuur.ee
Ürituse toimumist toetab Eesti Kultuurkapital – tänud!
TantsuRUUM on toetav keskkond ja kohtumispaik tantsuprofessionaalidele regulaarseks liikumiseks ning liikumise mõtestamiseks. TantsuRUUMi tegevustik sünnib koostöös kohalike ja välismaiste tantsukunstnikega. Tulemiteks on regulaarsed hommikused tunnid, liikumisSESOON, töötoad, kontaktjämmid, residentuurid ja muud sarnased jagamised.
TantsuRUUM on avatud kõigile, kes soovivad panustada oma kohalolu ning programmi koostamise ja arendamisega. Me liigume lähtuvalt märksõnadest: arenduskeskus – ühine ruum – avatus – kokkupuutepunkt – võrgustik – koostöö – jagatud vastutus – protsess – areng – jätkusuutlikkus – järjepidevus – enesetäiendus
Korraldus ja teostus: Eesti Tantsuagentuur koostöös Eesti Tantsukunsti ja Tantsuhariduse Liiduga
Asukohaks Eesti Tantsuagentuur (Hobujaama 12, Tallinn)
Toetab Eesti Kultuurkapital
We invite you along >
On two Thursdays in April the morning practice session
l i i k u m i s S E S O O N
will be guided by Brussels based dance artist Leif Firnhaber.
4th and 11th of April at 10-11:30am at TantsuRUUM
come! d i v e into d a n c e with u s
B i o – Leif Firnhaber
Born in Paraguay, grew up between Chile, Germany and Spain, where he started break-dancing on the streets of the Canary Islands. With a particular interest for history, technology and nature’s biology, he decides to continue the professional opportunities to make experiences in the field of contemporary dance, passing through Madrid between 2005-2007 for further development in this area. Based in Brussels since 2008, currently he is active as a performer, dancer, teacher, choreographer, photographer and SiiPR-oducer, developing his personal research through movement, images, words, smells and taste.
He has worked and collaborated in various ways with many companies, institutions and artists. The main professional references as a dancer /interpreter are with Eastman [Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui] in “Puzzle” & “Babel”, Damien Jalet [“Médusés” Louvre Museum Paris], David Zambrano, Michelle Anne de Mey [Charleroi-Danses], Vlaamse Opera House [Antwerp & Ghent], Cie. Jozef Trefeli “UP” [Switzerland], Cie HelKa with „LORE“ [Belgium], Cie. La Flux – Juha Marsalo & Caroline Savi [Paris], Carmelo Fernández “International Film Festival GC” [Spain], Natalia Medina “Tag” & “Masdanza” [Spain], alongside many independent projects.
A b o u t_the_w o r k s h o p:
) Bastard Techniques (
A symbiosis of technique and improvisation, tasks and uses of freely associated creativity. How to find what you want to do, then challenge it? Simultaneously generate and observe, back and forth from individual and personal directions of work towards partnering, collective communication and back to yourself.. Guided through an intuitive, physical, technical, performative and therapeutic practice.
Further said:
“On the educational level, the one where information is being shared through mental attention, physical awareness, movement: The previous pedagogical project (Frauenfeld Technique, named after a swiss-german village), explored more analytically the composition of space (horizontal/vertical), time (musicality, rhythms) and type of energy of a moving individual or group.
This research has later on expanded on other spaces, such as the inner and creative one, discovering how regular practise of this allows to pedagogically go further with less explanation and more inspiration. The work on time has become more about exhaling then about counting. The study of energy has passed on from identifying the nature of moves on the dance-floor, to apply to every quotidian situation, any gesture or movement.
The structure of a class, workshop or creation has become a methodology to observe and react instantly, and in a balanced manner… to the needs of an environment as well as the artist´s sensitivities.
Bastard Techniques helps you allow the bastard in you to collaborate instead of compete, observe instead of react, learn instead of prove what you already know. The performative aspect is developed as regular practise, so that we don´t close off to who we are when surrounded by an audience. The practise of being a performer goes hand in hand with being a curious audience to your own stream of perceptions from your senses, including the other humans around you, the space between things, the time that our thoughts take to find direction and meaning through movement and stillness. This requires the capacity of fine-tuning our attention and senses, while being physically totally engaged and open at the same time.
Our understanding of a divided work / pleasure relationship translates into less joy and efficiency, which is as counterproductive to the expansion of skills, as sitting down onto what we think we know is to comfort. Therefore, confusion is necessary to clear the mind when it tries too hard to intellectualise what it is not able to be yet, and let it be.
whisper words of wisdom, let it be… Games. Provocation. Smile and sweat.”
P r i c e > 5 eur
L o c a t i o n > Eesti Tantsuagentuur, Hobujaama 12 II korrus
R e g i s t r a t i o n > http://tantsuagentuur.ee/event/liikumissesoon-4-13/
Q u e s t i o n s > tantsuruum@tantsuagentuur.ee
This event happens thanks to the support from Cultural Endowment of Estonia – thank you!