Tänavuse sügis-talve süvasukeldus
Kutsume osa saama
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Hommikused liikumisuurimuse tunnid ja töötuba:
4.-8. november kell 9:30-15:30
9. november kell 12:30:00-16:00
Hommikused liikumisuurimuse tunnid:
E-R kell 9:30-11:30
Koreograaf Joe Morani hommikused liikumisuurimuslikud sessioonid põhinevad tema praegusel uurimusel tajudepõhisest liikumispraktikast – mida me tajude vahendusel hoomame ja millisel moel me oma tähelepanu tantsides kasutame –, ning selle rakendumist koreograafia loomisel. Keskmes on aktiivse tahte ja otsustusvõime alistamine. Selleks läheneme liikumisele tajude ja kontseptuaalsete ettepanekute vahendusel, mis loovad mõttelis-kehalisi väljakutseid ja ‘probleeme’ ning seavad kahtluse alla meie endaksolemise harjumuspärasused. Sellega samaaegselt loome ruumi me enda (ja ajaloo, hariduse, kultuuri poolt) koreografeeritud minade vaatluseks ning kahtluse alla seadmiseks. Vaatleme, kuidas arusaamad endaks olemisest liikumist loovad ning takistavad. Me uurime järeleandmatu ja järelejätmatu, pideva liikumise potentsiaali, lähtudes Eva Karczag öeldust: “Küsimused paiknevad liikumises; vastused paiknevad liikumises.” Uurimus on tugevalt kantud ja inspireeritud Deborah Hay radikaalsest kaasaegse koreograafia loomepraktikast.
Võimalik on osalus eraldi hommikustes tundides:
1 hommikune tund 12 eur
5 hommikust tundi 50 eur
Pärastlõunane etendusloome töötuba:
E-R kell 12:30-15:30
L kell 12:30-16
Hommikuste liikumisuurimuslike sessioonide pinnalt liigume edasi performatiivsesse mõtestatusse ja konteksti. Töötuba lähtub Joe Morani hiljutisest lavastusest “On The Habit of Being Oneself” (“Endaks olemise harjumusest”), mis püüdleb lavastuslikus vormis füüsilise ja tajudepõhise vabaduse ning elujõu saavutamise poole. Töötoas arendatakse ka sõna ja teksti kaasamist.
“On The Habit of Being Oneself” (2018) esietendus Sadler’s Wellsi teatris Londonis.
Töötuba päädib avaliku jagamisega, mis lähtub Joe Moran’i lavastusest “On The Habit of Being Oneself” laupäeval kell 14:00 TantsuRUUMis.
Peame oluliseks grupisisese usalduse ja viljaka dialoogipinnase loomist, mistõttu ootame-loodame maksimaalset kohalolu. Osalejate arv töötoas on piiratud.
Joe Moran on Londonis baseeruv Briti-Iiri kunstnik ja koreograaf, kelle praktika hõlmab teatri- ja galeriilavastusi, kuratoorseid projekte, loeng-etendusi, joonistusi ja spreivärvil põhinevat loomingut. Joe on Dance Art Foundation kunstiline juht ja üks väheseid UK kunstnikke, kes on tegev nii teatri kui ka visuaalse kunsti maastikul. Joe looming mõtestab kaasajale omaseid küsimusi tantsu, etendusformaadi ja kontseptuaalse mõtlemise vahendusel, mis liidab tema kogemused improvisatsioonist ja eksperimenteerimistest formaalsete koreograafiliste meetodite ja kompositsioonivõtetega. Oma loomingus pakub ta võimaluse mõtestada tantsu loomist, mõistmist ja vaatlemist ühe osana kaasaegse kunsti diskursusest, olles dialoogis teiste kaasaegsete meediumikäsitlustega. Tema looming läheneb kuraatorlusele kui koreograafilisele tegevusele ning ta kureerib tihti teiste kunstnike loomingut, suhestades seda enda loominguliste töödega.
Joe on Dance4 partner-kunstnikuna olnud tegev Sadler’s Wellsi Suveülikoolis (2015-18), Delfina Foundation UK (2016) ja resideerunud Artsadmin’s Toynbee Studios (2008-2017). Tema looming on etendunud järgmistes teatrites ja galeriides: The Lowry (2019), Sadler’s Wells (2017 ja 2019), London Contemporary Dance School (2019), Wysing Arts Centre (2018), Bluecoat (2018) koostöös Liverpool Biennaaliga, Kettle’s Yard (2018), Whitechapel Gallery (2017), Delfina Foundation (2016), Block Universe/ fig-2, ICA (2015), DRAF (Frieze 2014). Joe on kirjutanud kunstnike ja kunsti aktivismist väljaandes “Who Cares? Dance in the Gallery & Museum” ja “Nothing About Us Without Us”, mille väljastasid Siobhan Davies Dance 2018. a. novembris.
Tantsijana on Joe töötanud koos mitmete tuntud kaasaegsete koreograafidega, kelle hulgas on Deborah Hay (USA), Siobhan Davies (Bank project, UK), Florence Peake (UK), Christopher House (Kanada), Gaby Agis (UK) ja Pontus Pettersson (Rootsi). Tema adaptsioon ja loeng-etendus Deborah Hay soolost “At Once” on tuuritanud üle UK ja rahvusvaheliselt.
Hommikuse t u n n i hind:
12 eur – üks kord
50 eur – terve nädal (viis korda)
Kogu t ö ö t o a hind :
165 eur – soodushind (õpilased, tudengid, ETTLi liikmed)
195 eur – täishind
Kui soovid kogu töötoas osaleda, ootame Sinult lühikest motivatsiooniavaldust ja CV-d 21.oktoobriks aadressil tantsuruum@tantsuagentuur.ee
R e g i s t r e e r i m i n e hommikustesse tundidesse:
A s u k o h t : Eesti Tantsuagentuur, Hobujaama 12 II korrus
K ü s i m u s e d : tantsuruum@tantsuagentuur.ee
Oled oodatud!
l i i k u j a l t ➡️ l i i k u j a l e
W o r k s h o p
Morning research classes and afternoon performance workshop:
4-8 November at 9:30-15:30
9 November at 12:30:00-16:00
Morning research classes:
Monday to Friday at 9:30-11:30
British-Irish choreographer Joe Moran leads a week of morning research classes exploring how perceptual practice – what we apprehend or how we use our attention while we are dancing – may be utilised as a generative, choreographic practice. With a central focus on the surrender of intention and choice-making, sessions will bring together moving with perceptual and conceptual practices that complicate or problematise our subjectivities, or our habit of being ourselves, whilst opening space for witnessing and questioning how we are always already choreographed (by our history, education, culture, context), or our choreographed self. We will explore how such notions can inform or disrupt aesthetic concerns and modes of production. We will look at the potential of relentlessness, continuous motion and Eva Karczag’s proposition that ‘the questions are in the moving; the answers are in the moving’. The radical influence of Deborah Hay’s work on contemporary choreographic practice will be present throughout the research.
Morning classes can be attended independently from the afternoon workshop.
Price per class: 12 eur
Price for 5 morning classes: 50 eur
Afternoon performance workshops:
Monday to Friday at 12:30-15:30
Saturday at 12:30-16:00
Afternoon sessions offer an opportunity for a smaller group of dancers to take the morning research into performance practice leading up to an informal public performance. Drawing upon the structure and inquiry of Moran’s recent stage work On The Habit of Being Oneself, the afternoon workshops will focus upon achieving a freedom of physical and perceptual vitality in performance. The workshops will also see Moran develop new aspects of the work including text and spoken word. On The Habit of Being Oneself (2018) premiered at Sadler’s Wells in London and further performances at The Lowry (Manchester), Bluecoat (Liverpool), Delfina Foundation (London) and The Place (London).
Performance workshop will conclude with a public sharing based on Joe Moran’s creation “On The Habit of Being Oneself” on Saturday afternoon at 2pm.
We value creating a trusting, safe and creative space for dialogue. As the number of participants is limited, we hope for maximum presence throughout the workshop.
Joe Moran is a British-Irish artist and choreographer based in London with a wide-ranging practice incorporating theatre and gallery performance, curatorial projects, lecture-performance, drawing and spray paint works. Joe is Artistic Director of Dance Art Foundation through which his performance and curatorial work is produced and is one of a handful of UK artists strongly active in both theatres and visual arts. Joe’s work tackles contemporary propositions in dance, performance and critical thought, and is informed by his background in improvisation and experimentation that he marries with a fascination with the opportunities and problems of formal choreographic composition and conceptually driven dance. His work is concerned the critical significance of dance’s recognition as a contemporary art form and is driven by knowledge and discourse fostered by dance and its dialogue with other disciplines. His work frequently addresses curation as a choreographic endeavor and he often curates other artists’ work in counterpoint to his own.
Joe is a Dance4 Associate Artist and was a Sadler’s Wells Summer University artist (2015-18), Delfina Foundation UK Associate (2016) and Resident at Artsadmin’s Toynbee Studios (2008-2017). Recent and forthcoming commissions and performances include The Lowry (2019), Sadler’s Wells (2019), London Contemporary Dance School (2019), Wysing Arts Centre (2018), Bluecoat (2018) coinciding with the Liverpool Biennial, Kettle’s Yard (2018), Sadler’s Wells (2017), Whitechapel Gallery (2017), Delfina Foundation (2016), Block Universe/ fig-2 at the ICA (2015), DRAF (Frieze 2014) and The Place Prize (2013). Joe contributed to the publication Who Cares? Dance in the Gallery & Museum and Nothing About Us Without Us, a commissioned essay on artist advocacy, was published by Siobhan Davies Dance in November 2018.
As a dancer Joe worked with many distinguished choreographers including Deborah Hay (USA), Siobhan Davies (Bank project, UK), Florence Peake (UK), Christopher House (Canada), Gaby Agis (UK) and Pontus Pettersson (Sweden). His adaptation of Deborah Hay’s solo At Once and lecture-performance on the work has toured widely in the UK and internationally
P r i c e :
Morning class:
12 eur – one class
50 eur – whole week (5 classes)
Morning class + afternoon workshop:
165 eur – discount price for students and members of the Estonian Dance Art and Dance Education Union (ETTL)
195 eur – full price
If you would like to be part of the performance workshop group, please send a short motivation statement and your CV by 21st October on tantsuruum@tantsuagentuur.ee
R e g i s t r a t i o n for morning classes:
L o c a t i o n : Eesti Tantsuagentuur, Hobujaama 12 II floor
Q u e s t i o n s : tantsuruum@tantsuagentuur.ee
You are welcome!
m o v e r ➡️ m o v e r
This event is made possible by the generous support from Estonian Cultural Endowment – Thank You!