T ö ö t u b a 
3. ja 4. november 2018 kell 11-17


Töötoa eesmärgiks on kombineerida teadlikkus oma kehalistest energiatest koos ruumisiseste dünaamikatega. Benoit Lachambre loob koos osalejatega somaatilisi kujutluspilte, mille abil luua liikuvaid ja tajutavaid arhitektuure.
Ta kutsub osalejaid üles vaatlema koreograafia loomist ja tekkimist, vähendades samaaegselt looja ja tantsija õpitud rollidega kaasnevat stressi. Kinesteetiliselt teadlikena ning kogukonnas jagatud žestidega töötades aitab Lachambre võimendada tajusid ja süvendada tundeseisundeid. Ta juhatab kehad avatud ja ühendatud seisundisse, mille tulemiks on ruumisisene ja sidekoe vaheline dialoog.


Benôit Lachambre kutsub tulevas töötoas dialoogis mõtisklema ja vastama järgmistele küsimustele:
Kuidas on võimalik ümber mõtestada etendamise / loomise tegevus, rakendades olemasoleva info vahetamist ja kollektiivsust?
Kas on võimalik olla samaaegselt vaataja, subjekti, etendaja ja edastaja rollides?
Kas empaatiline liikumine saab olla positiivse muutuse alguspunkt, kui kohtume väljakujunenud rollide piirimail / piire lammutades?


Benôit Lachambre on olnud rahvusvahelises tantsumaastikul tegev alates 1970-ndatest. Ta esmane inspiratsioon oli Joan Skinneri vabastustehnika, mille kinesteetiline lähenemine liikumisloomele ühes improvisatsiooniga kujunes tema koreograafilise loomingu aluseks. Ta otsustas end pühendada liikumise ja liikumise allikate uurimisele, et jõuda autentse kehatööni. Tema looming, nii loojana kui etendajana, lähtub tugevalt meelte ülitundlikusest, ning somaatika ja loomingulisuse vaheline suhe on ta praktika keskmes.


Lachambre asutas oma kompanii 1996. aastal. Nimi Par. B.L.eux kannab tema nimetähti ning “eux” viitab erinevatele kunstnikele, kellega ta koostööd teeb ning kes on kesksel kohal tema loomingulistes protsessides.
Benoît Lachambre näol on tegemist ühe keskseima nüüdiskunstnik-koreograaf-etendajaga. Ta on seni oma kompaniile Par B.L.eux loonud 17 lavastust, osalenud 20 erinevas teiste loojate projektides ja lisaks loonud 25 tellimustööd.


Oma soolos “Lifeguard”(2016) oli Benoît Lachambre eesmärgiks veelgi sügavamalt dekonstrueerida koreograafilise impulsi olemust ning luua uusi tõlgendusi ja võimalusi etendaja ja pealtvaataja suhtesse. Antud teemaga tegeles ta ka grupile loodud töös “Fluid Grounds”, mis esietendus 2018. aasta juunis TransAmériques Festivalil.


“Lifeguard” etendub 6., 7. ja 8. novembris Helsingis festivalil Moving in November 2018.
Saadaval on allahinnatud piletid (10eur). Oma piletisoovist kirjuta aadressil tantsuruum@tantsuagentuur.ee !


T ö ö t o a  h i n d : 
70 eur – soodushind (õpilased, tudengid, ETTLi liikmed), eelregistreerimine kuni 26. oktoober 2018
90 eur – täishind, eelregistreerimine kuni 26. oktoober 2018
110 eur – hind kõigile alates 27.oktoober


R e g i s t r e e r i m i n ehttp://tantsuagentuur.ee/event/benoit-lachambre/
A s u k o h t : Eesti Tantsuagentuur, Hobujaama 12 II korrus
K ü s i m u s e d : tantsuruum@tantsuagentuur.ee


Enam infot:


Oled oodatud!

l i i k u j a l t > l i i k u j a l e

Töötuba toimub koostöös festivaliga Moving in November 2018
Toetus: Eesti Kultuurkapital




W o r k s h o p >

Benoît Lachambre
3rd and 4th November 2018 at 11am-5pm


The aim of the workshop “Interrelational Mobile Choreographic Architectures” is to combine an awareness of corporal energy streams with the inter-spatial dynamics of fluids. With the participants, Benoît Lachambre focuses on the creation of somatic images and their capacity to generate moving sensorial architectures.


He invites participants to examine the choreographic act by simultaneously reducing the stress of the learned roles of dancers and choreographers. He is thus proposing a transformation of models. With kinaesthetic awareness, and within a community of shared gestures, Benoît Lachambre works on a deepening of perceptions and feeling. To this end, he places bodies in a state of connectivity and openness, resulting in a dialogue centered on interspacial links and connective tissues.


In this forum for exchanges and learning Benoît Lachambre invites participants to reflect on the following questions:


How can we reconsider the performative/choreographic action through an exchange and inclusion of connective phenomena?
Is it possible to be a spectator, subject, performer and transmitter all at the same time?
Can an empathetic movement be a vector for positive change and for transformations via a meeting/breaking-down of the boundaries of established roles?


With the aim of transmitting his knowledge and techniques, Benoît Lachambre has developed with Par B.L.eux a pedagogical program offered to schools and choreographic centres. He is thus combining his 25-year career as a choreographer-dancer with his skills and experience as a teacher. His training classes and workshops, given around the world, have earned him widespread renown.


Active in the dance community since the 1970s, Benoît Lachambre first learned about Releasing in 1985. This kinesthetic approach to movement and its use of improvisation became an important influence on his choreographic work. He decided to immerse himself in an exploratory approach to movement and its sources, to seek out the authenticity of movement. His work, both as a choreographer and a performer, has at its centre the hyper-awareness of the senses, and the connection between the somatic and the artistic is central to his practice.
He founded his own company in Montréal in 1996, christening it Par B.L.eux, ‘B.L.’ for his own initials and ‘eux’ for the artists he chooses to collaborate with, and who have become central to his artistic process.


Benoît Lachambre is one of the foremost artist-choreographer-performers of his generation. He has created 17 works for his own company since Par B.L.eux was founded, and participated in more than 20 productions by other companies, in addition to some 25 commissioned works.

With the solo, Lifeguard (2016), presented at the June Events Festival in Paris in June 2016, Benoît Lachambre seeks to further deconstruct the notion of the choreographic impulse as well as the redefinition of performer / spectator roles. He affirmed and deepened this desire in Fluid Grounds, a group work, premiered at the TransAmériques Festival in June 2018.


Benoît Lachambre’s “Lifeguard” will be performed during 6th, 7th and 8th November at Moving in November 2018 festival in Helsinki.
For a discounted ticket (10eur) please contact tantsuruum@tantsuagentuur.ee !







P r i c e : 
70 eur – discounted price for students and members of the Estonian Dance Art and Dance Education Union (ETTL), registration until 26th October
90 eur – full price, registration until 26th October
110 eur – price from 27th October


R e g i s t r a t i o nhttp://tantsuagentuur.ee/event/benoit-lachambre/
L o c a t i o n : Eesti Tantsuagentuur, Hobujaama 12 II floor
Q u e s t i o n s : tantsuruum@tantsuagentuur.ee


More information 

You are welcome!

m o v e r > m o v e r

In collaboration with festival Moving in November 2018
With financial support from Cultural Endowment of Estonia